On the first of January, the transition period between the European Union and the United Kingdom will end. The two parties will then separate, with or without a trade deal. Deal or no deal, it’s going to hurt either way. World Horti Center recently organised a webinar about Brexit.
The EU and the United Kingdom are currently negotiating a trade deal. Things are remarkably calm. Hardly any news about the negotiations is shared. Is that a good sign? Perhaps it is.

However, finalising a deal before the end of December is going to be a tremendous job; Boris Johnson still has to convince his own constituency as well as the British Parliament of a potential deal. While EU negotiator Michel Barnier must convince 27 EU member states. Deal or no deal, Brexit is going to hurt. One of the messages of the World Horti Center webinar seemed to be that at the end of the day, there won’t be a huge difference between deal and no deal.
Delays Brexit is going to affect the trade at a commercial, operational, phytosanitary, as well as financial level, even if the exact details remain uncertain. (..)
Click here to read the full article on the webinar about brexit.
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