The importance of insects has been highlighted extensively in recent years. Why? Because there are fewer and fewer of these small creatures around, while they’re essential for life on earth. “The truth is that people would starve without insects”, said Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology, at the Home Garden Conference organised by Fleuroselect on the 2nd of September. And the future of insects, and therefore also of human beings, relies heavily on plants and flowers.
The Home Garden Conference was scheduled to take place in the United Kingdom, but for obvious reasons the 2021 edition ended up taking place digitally. Thanks to a virtual visit to Mr Fothergill’s Seeds, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) garden Hyde Hall, as well as Dave Goulson’s talk, the conference still had a British feel to it.

Dave Goulson is a Professor of Biology (Evolution, Behaviour and Environment) at the University of Sussex. He specialises in the ecology and conservation of insects, with a particular focus on bumblebees. Goulson is the author of several books and over 200 articles. As a young boy, he was already fascinated by insects, just like almost any other child. But where most children lose this interest at some stage, Goulson didn’t. “I’m on a mission to get people to love insects. They’re so important, and their numbers are declining.” (..)
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