Vietnamese horticultural sector to next level?

On Tuesday 23 July in Hanoi, a round the table meeting took place for potential Vietnamese companies, institutes and governmental organisations active in the horticultural sector by The Netherlands Vietnam Horti Business Platform and its partner the Crop Production Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A long term vision and cooperation with the platform as a business tool is needed to bring the Vietnamese Horticultural Sector to the next level. The attendees expressed their intention to contribute to this ambition.

The meeting was attended by a diverse group of more than 20 Vietnamese companies, institutes and governmental organisations (MARD and Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency) representing the Vietnamese horticultural value chain and the Dutch platform members – Kenlog, Van der Valk Systems, Gakon and Ridder Group.

The meeting was opened by speeches of Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cuong – General Director Department of Crop Production Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Willem Schoustra – Dutch Counsellor for Agriculture in Vietnam and. Mr. Henk van Eijk – Chairman of the Netherlands Vietnam Horti Business Platform. The reasons for setting up the platform- the strong bilateral trade relations between Vietnam and the Netherlands, the strong growth and high potential of the Vietnamese horticulture sector and the strong position of the Dutch horticulture industry were emphasised in these speeches.

After the speeches a presentation in which information about the platform and the meaning of being member was given in order to give the potential Vietnamese members a detailed insight into the Horti Business Platform.

The platform is a legally registered cooperative, which connects Vietnamese and Dutch companies and institutes in the horticultural sector in order to stimulate long-term working relationships in this industry between the two countries. Through introducing smart farming technologies and sharing of knowledge and expertise covering all aspect of the value chain – from seed to consumer- the members work together on sustainable, high-quality and efficient fresh production of fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers and plants.

The Horti Business platform aims to organise a meeting for potential Vietnamese companies, institutes and governmental organisations in Da Lat as well as in Ho Chi Minh City later this year.

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