Myplant & Garden, the International Green Expo, postpones its appointment with the operators in the garden industry to February 2022. The postponement has been established following the latest regulations coming from the Italian government, which take into consideration the global scenario of the current pandemics.
“The change in dates – explain the organizers – has been necessary and utterly shared with our partners. In 2021 we will work to give visibility to our exhibitors through the web platform, the organization of online meetings and in all the occasions in which we will be able to work face to face.”
“The commitment remains that of organizing a signature trade fair that confirms its recognized international leadership, by maintaining the high standards of the event, also concerning its visitors and all partnerships involved.”

After promoting and signing pleas to the institutions with various representatives of the garden industry, with the aim of highlighting the difficulties and finding adequate solutions for the companies operating in the sector, Myplant now calls for the very survival of the trade fair industry – public and private – so that it becomes a priority in the interventions of the government.
60 billion Euros
According to the data presented by AEFI to the qualified Ministries, 200,000 companies choose Italian trade fairs yearly as a strategic resource for their growth and development. Italian trade fairs generate over 60 billion Euros of revenues and stand for half of the Italian export in the world.
“We ask that trade fairs are taken in consideration according to their value and to the profits they help generate. Trade fairs are and will always have a functional role in the promotion of products ‘Made in Italy’ all over the world. Leaving the organizers of such events without any kind of support means dismantling a driving force of the Italian economy.”