In 2019, weddings in Italy had an economic value of 500 million euros. In 2020, 90% of weddings were postponed due to Covid 19. 2021 was also a difficult year for the wedding industry in Italy. Insiders hope that next year many weddings will take place in Italy.
The wedding season in Italy is between the end of May and October. It is a market with an economic value of 500 million euros. Part of this value is earned by so-called destination weddings. The destination weddings have a value of 35 million euros. In 2019 219,405 marriages took place in Italy, of which were 9,147 foreigners and 210,258 Italians.
The budget for a wedding starts at 30,000 euros, the average is 100,000 euros, Simona Polli told at the wedding seminar organized by Floriculture International, AIPH and Flower Academy Italy. She publishes two wedding magazines in Italy and one in Russia. Weddings are a good market for flowers. Bride and groom spend at least 2000 to 3000 euros on flowers.
The Italian wedding industry collapsed due to the pandemic. In 2020, 90% of weddings were cancelled. This year there was a slight recovery. Weddings could take place again, but with restrictions.
Polli knows that florists have hope that in 2022 many weddings will take place in Italy. Also destination weddings. “Flights are possible again, we expect a lot of people next year.” It is mainly Americans and English who celebrate their weddings in Italy. In recent years, Polli has also seen more and more Northern Europeans and Asians traveling to Italy to marry.

Patrizia Braida is from Bloom’s Academy. The floral designer estimates the economic value of weddings worldwide at more than 300 billion dollars. The budget for flowers at weddings is growing, she notes. Last year she did ten weddings. She also organized workshops all over Italy.
Flowers for Italian weddings come from all over the world. Reinier Haasnoot is from the Dutch company OZ Export, which supplies flowers to Italy. “Every bridal bouquet has to be unique. Couples don’t want to order just mainstream flowers.” He calls Italy a good country to marry and to produce flowers. A part of the flowers at weddings come from Italy itself. Another part from Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya and the Netherlands.
According to Haasnoot, collaboration with local partners in Italy is important. Partners have knowledge of the local market. “Together we can ensure that the risk is as small as possible. It is also important that people order early.” Haasnoot also expects a revival of the Italian wedding industry next year.