Since the beginning of this year, Euroveiling has been led by a trio. Commercial director Sim Echelpoels (48) immediately broke a record during his first quarter, when the turnover of the Belgian auction went up by 10 to 15 percent compared to their top year 2019.
How do you like your new position with Euroveiling?
It’s hard work, but very interesting. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, plants and flowers have become more popular again, which is extra motivating of course. We live in interesting times. It could be a turning point for the Belgian floriculture sector; perhaps we’ll get the wind in our sails again after a few difficult years.

Roger Fierens was replaced by three new people. Don’t you think that’s too many?
The function description has changed. Johan Peeters, Raf Moeyersoons and I have also taken on additional tasks. It allows us to take a more in-depth look, which is an advantage in my opinion. We complement each other well. (..)
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