Internet sales of flowers and plants: US market in upheavel

Reliable data on the online US market are scarce, but experts agree the online market for consumer-direct flowers and plants has been growing and will continue to grow. But with fierce competition among players and delivery models, the question remains unanswered, who will carry the ball to the finish line?

Globally, market observers tend to view the growth potential of online sales as a key factor driving the overall momentum of the floriculture market. One reason for such confidence is the predilection of Millennials and Gen Z consumers for shopping on the internet rather than in stores.

Photo’s Shutterstock

Indeed, the latest solid research results we have on the U.S. market indicate that in 2013, internet fresh-cut flower sales were highest among those under 35 (17%) and single-male households (18%). That compares with 10% for total U.S. household floral spending—up from 5% in 2010 and 3% in 2007.

These figures are reported by Prince & Prince, the leading horticulture research firm in the U.S. Prince & Prince is just now compiling and analyzing 2019 data from a tracking survey of floral-buying households throughout the U.S. This research will be released to co-sponsors early next year, with selected findings made available to the public in the summer and fall.

Editor Bruce Wright wrote an article on the internet sales of flowers and plants in the USA. You can find the article in the latest Floribusiness magazine. Via this link you can get a free subscription to Floribusiness magazine.

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