International event shows latest nursery machinery

End of August you can see the latest machinery for nurseries at Baumschultechnik 2019, including new weed control techniques and multipurpose machines. The international event will be held again in German nursery area Pinneberg.

Baumschultechnik is an unique event, as nowhere else in the world an event only focused on nursery machinery is organized. The German event is held every six to seven years in Pinneberg (just north of Hamburg) and attracts nurserymen from European countries, North America and Asia.

Around 300 exhibitors, machinery builders and suppliers will show their newest equipment for any job on a nursery, such as planting, spraying, watering, lifting, trimming and transporting, both field grown and container grown. Machines will be live demonstrated.

Photo by Zasso

Weed control techniques are one of the topics. German company Zasso will introduce machinery using high voltage electric power (up to 15,000 Volt) to kill weeds including roots. Swiss company Semesis will show their brandnew Flunick: this machine without driver’s seat can be used for weed control, fertilization, spraying and other applications.

Photo by Reichenbach nursery

Baumschultechnik 2019 will take place on August 29 and 30 in Ellerhoop (Pinneberg) around the Horticulture Centre.

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