Hortipoint’s international website for the horticultural industry is getting a new name: Floribusiness. In addition to the name change, a new website will be launched.
The reason for the name change is that the foundation that Hortipoint is part of, recently changed its name from Stichting Vakinformatie voor Siergewassen (SVS) to Hortipoint. In order to avoid confusion, the editors of the international website have chosen a new name: Floribusiness.
The name Floribusiness will always be used in combination with the following subtitle: ‘Powered by Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij’. This trade journal has been around for more than seventy years and it’s known throughout the world as a very strong brand. The editor of Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij will continue to have final responsibility for the contents of Floribusiness.
The name change will be accompanied by the launch of a new website. This site, which will be part of the Hortipoint foundation, is going to operate independently, next to the other websites of the foundation (Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij, Tuin en Landschap, De Boomkwekerij and Bloem en Blad).
The editor of Floribusiness is going to increase the activities on the international website in the near future. New information will be published on the website every day, including articles, news items and the ‘grower of the week’ section. A weekly discussion point will be introduced as a new item. And the newsletter is going to be published twice a week from now on.