What is a Plus-article?

    Some of the articles on Floribusiness are only accessible to subscribers. You’ll recognise them by the Plus sign. They include stories about the latest developments in the international floricultural industry, interesting interviews, columns, market analyses, company reports, experiences with cultivation techniques etc. Specialist information, to bring added value to your business, brought to you by our own editors. Exclusively for logged-in users and subscribers.

    You’ll find this Plus content in our digital magazine on myfloribusiness.com, as well as on our international news site floribusiness.com.

    Are you experiencing problems logging in, or have you got any other questions regarding your account or subscription? Send us an email or give us a call at +31 (0)71 5659643.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I access the Plus articles?
    As a Myfloribusiness.com subscriber, you automatically get access to the Plus articles on this website (Floribusiness.com). All you need to do is log in with your username and password.

    What’s my username?
    Your username is the email address associated with your registration. It’s the same address you receive messages from Floribusiness and/or Hortipoint on. You can’t change your username. If you ask us to change the email address that we have for you in our system, the new email address will automatically become your new username. Your password will stay the same.

    I forgot my password or I want to change it. What do I do?
    To change your password, go to the login screen and click the ‘Forgot my password’ button. Fill in your username (i.e. email address), and we’ll send a link to that address. Open the link and follow the instructions to create a new password.

    I can’t get any further than the login screen. What do I do?
    This could be one of several things. A message such as ‘details are incorrect’ or ‘you don’t have the right to access this site’ might appear on the screen. The first message indicates that the system doesn’t recognise your username and/or password. You could try again with a new password (see above). The second message indicates that your account doesn’t provide the right to access the page. Perhaps your subscription has expired. In that case, please have a look at our subscription page. Another reason why this message can come up is when you’re already logged in on the maximum of two devices (desktop, tablet, phone). When you’ve reached the maximum number, you won’t be able to log in on a third device.

    I don’t have a subscription and I’d like to read the Plus content.
    You can subscribe to the Floribusiness trade information here. Once we’ve received your registration, we’ll send a password to the email address that you entered. Your username and password will provide unlimited access to the digital magazines on Myfloribusiness.com, as well as the Plus articles on Floribusiness.com.

    Are you experiencing problems logging in, or have you got any other questions regarding your account or subscription? Send us an email or give us a call at +31 (0)71 565 9643 (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri).

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